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PDF eBook Bicycle Touring Taiwan

PDF eBook Bicycle Touring Taiwan

SKU: 9781738479825

Our PDF ebook is a fully interactive version of our main title. With clicakble contecnts and bookmarks as well as butotns and links throughout to help you navigate through the entire works. 


This title offeres the same great read as our main book including color photograpgh, illustrations and our .gpx maps included! perfect for those without the space for a book in their panniers. Our PDF ebook will help you navigate and plan your way around the island of Taiwan with ease, 加油!

  • as a compressed pdf of our full title some programs and apps might show low or poor quality illustrations. We reccomend using adobe reader where possible to ensure qulity and full interactive elements. 

    If you would like a large file format (400mb) please leave a comment  after purchase for a link

All conversions are estimations. Our store purchases are processed in £. Bank charges and conversion rates vary. Please use Paypal as a guest  for accurate conversion at time of purchase. 

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